Padi yang dituai akan dijadikan beras untuk makanan rakyat Malaysia . Sebelum itu terdapat pelbagai proses yang dilalui untuk menghasilkan beras yang baik. Antara proses tersebut ialah :
- Menuai
- Membanting
- Mengangin
- Mengilang
, jerami dan hampas diasingkan. Jenis mesin yang digunakan ialah gegaran. Peringkat kedua pula padi muda, hampa dan bahan-bahan asing seperti rumpai diasingkan secara automatik.
Terdapat dua cara yang dipraktikkan dalam kerja-kerja menuai.Pertama mengggunakan tenaga pekerja sepenuhnya seperti memotong batang padi dengan penyabit dan meleraikan padi dengan cara membanting di dalam tong khas.Cara kedua menggunakan jentera jenis sederhana (30 kuasa kuda) atau jenis besar(100 kuasa kuda).Jentera ini hanya digunakan menerusi sistem usahasama.Sebelum proses menuai dilakukan, sawah padi akan dikeringkan dengan mengalirkan air ke terusan. Ini bertujuan memudahkan proses penuaian dilakukan.
Membanting adalah cara tradisional.Berdasarkan teknologi kini kerja membanting tidak dilakukan lagi.Ini kerana proses menuai menggunakan jentera dan padi diasingkan dari tangkainya secara automatik.Semasa membanting terlebih dahulu tangkai padi akan diikat dan barulah dibanting ke dalam tong khas untuk mengasingkan padi daripada tangkainya.
Mengangin dilakukan supaya bijian dipisahkan daripada padi hampa.Selepas mengangin padi akan dijemur.Teknologi moden kini membersihkan padi dalam dua peringkat.Peringkat pertama dinamakan pembersihan lasat iaitu bahan-bahan seperti batu-batu
Tujuan mengilang adalah untuk mendapatkan beras daripada padi. Antara kaedah yang digunakan bagi memisahkan beras dan padi ialah melalui pemisah sekatan.Pemisah ini mempunyai lataran yang disendengkan dan bersekatan.Penghasilan pengupasan padi bergantung kepada beberapa faktor.Antara faktor tersebut ialah kandungan air yang terdapat dalam padi dan kadar beras bersalut akan dimasukkan ke dalam pemisah sekatan.Beras akan digred mengikut kriteria tertentu dan dimasukkan ke dalam guni atau plastik untuk dijual.
Pengalaman menanam padi diperolehi daripada keluarga yang biasanya menjadikan sawah padi sebagai sumber pendapatan. Oleh itulah mereka mempunyai kemahiran secara warisan.Setelah melalui pelbagai peringkat penanaman sehingga padi masak, kebanyakan masyarakat Melayu masih menggunakan kaedah konvensional atau tradisional.Cara ini banyak dilakukan di kawasan kampung yang jauh dari pekan. Cara ini sememangnya mengurangkan kos tetapi mengambil masa yang lambat untuk memproses padi menjadi beras.Antara beberapa peraturan yang terpaksa dilalui sebelum padi menjadi beras ialah :
- Menjemur
- Menumbuk
- Menampi
- Memilih
Padi yang telah dituai dengan menggunakan tenaga akan dibanting untuk memisahkan antara tangkai dan padi.Kemudian proses pengasingan akan dilakukan dengan cara memilih tangkai atau rumput yang bercampur dengan padi.Cara ini adalah untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja seterusnya dilakukan.Setelah itu padi akan dimasukkan ke dalam guni untuk dibawa pulang. Di rumah padi akan dijemur di bawah pancaran matahari.Padi perlu dijemur hingga kering.Oleh itu pesawah perlu memastikan cuaca adalah baik.Jika hari hujan atau mendung, adalah lebih baik sekiranya padi tidak dijemur atau dibiarkan di dalam guni sahaja.Selain itu semasa kerja-kerja menjemur dilakukan, pesawah boleh membuang benda asing yang terdapat dalam timbunan padi.Ini adalah untuk memastikan padi cepat kering dan terhindar daripada benda asing.
Menumbuk merupakan tugas yang paling sukar.Padi yang telah kering akan ditumbuk menggunakan lesung.Terdapat dua jenis lesung iaitu lesung kaki dan tangan.Lesung kaki telah diubahsuai bentuknya untuk memudahkan pesawah menggunakan kaki untuk menumbuk padi.
Lesung kaki mempunyai antan yang pendek dan kemudian disambung dengan menggunakan sebatang kayu yang besar secara melintang.Hujung kayu antan mempunyai satu bentuk injakan yang memudahkan kaki memijak injakan tersebut.Pesawah akan memijak kayu injak dan antan akan terangkat. Apabila kaki dilepaskan, antan akan jatuh dan menumbuk ibu lesung.Langkah ini lebih mudah kerana tidak memerlukan tenaga yang banyak.Lesung ini boleh didapati di kawasan kampung. Namun begitu lesung ini kurang popular.Lesung tangan pula adalah lesung yang paling kerap digunakan.Lesung yang terdiri daripada lesung anak dan ibu yang diperbuat daripada kayu. Namun begitu lesung tangan mempunyai lesung anak yang berat dan panjang. Semakin berat anak lesung semakin baik tumbukan lesung tersebut.Padi yang telah kering akan ditumbuk dengan kedua lesung ini.Tumbukan akan menyebabkan isi padi terkeluar dan membentuk beras.Pesawah akan lakukan kerja-kerja menumbuk tersebut sehingga selesai.Adalah diingatkan padi yang hendak ditumbuk perlu kering. Jika terdapat kelembapan, padi akan hancur bersama sekam dan padi tersebut tidak boleh dimakan.
Setelah kerja-kerja menumbuk dilakukan,proses seterusnya ialah menampi. Proses ini memerlukan kemahiran menampi untuk mengelakkan padi terbuang semasa proses tersebut dilakukan.Lazimnya menampi dilakukan oleh kaum wanita.Padi yang telah ditumbuk akan dimasukkan ke dalam alat menampi.Alat menampi diperbuat daripada anyaman buluh atau mengkuang. Alat menampi terdiri daripada pelbagai bentuk sama ada bulat, segi tiga atau bujur.
Padi akan diletakkan ke atas penampi.Kemudian penampi itu akan ditampi dengan cara melambungkan padi. Cara ini dilakukan acap kali sehingga sekam melayang ke atas dan seterusnya keluar dari alat penampi itu.Pada proses ini beras dapat dihasilkan walaupun terdapat habuk-habuk kecil yang masih bercampur dengan padi.Dengan beberapa lambungan, habuk kecil akan terkumpul di hujung penampi. Kemudian habuk tersebut boleh ditiup sahaja untuk menyingkirkan daripada beras.
Beras yang telah ditampi akan menjalani proses pemilihan. Padi yang tidak hancur akan diasing daripada padi yang hancur.Pemilihan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tangan. Oleh itu mereka perlu cekap untuk memilih padi yang belum menjadi beras.Pengasingan ini dilakukan untuk menentukan gred. Beras yang tidak hancur mempunyai kualiti yang lebih baik berbanding beras yang hancur.Namun begitu ada pesawah yang tidak mengasingkan beras dan dicampur sekali. Padi ini dinamakan padi kampung.
PROCESSING RICEShall be harvested paddy rice to feed the people of Malaysia. Prior to that there are many who go through the process to produce good rice. Among these processes are:
Reap There are two ways to practice the work of harvesting. First use the full labor such as cutting the stubble of paddy scytheman and dissolve one's way in the special bins. The second way of using simple machines (30 horsepower) or large type (100 horsepower). Machine was only used by the joint venture. Before the harvest is done, the paddy fields will be dried by passing water to the canal. This is done to facilitate the harvesting process.
Slash is the traditional way. Technology based on one's work is not done yet. This is because the rice harvest using machinery and separated from the stalk automatically. During the first throw rice stalks are tied and then the rock into the special bins to separate the rice from the stalk.
Blow is done so that the grain is separated from empty rice. After the rice will be dry in the sun disappear. Modern technology to clean the rice in two stages. The first stage is called the serious cleaning materials such as stonesmanufacture
The purpose of manufacture is to get rice from paddy. Among the methods used to separate the rice and paddy is the separation restrictions. The separator has because of the Tilt and air restrictions. Paring the production of rice depends on several factors. Among these factors is the water content in the rice and the rice is coated with the restrictions put in a separator. Rice will be graded according to certain criteria and placed in sacks or plastic for sale.
Rice planting experience from family usually make rice as a source of income. That is why they have the skills legacy. After going through various stages of rice cultivation to cooking, most of the Malay community is still using conventional or traditional methods. This method is mostly done in villages far from town. This method is to reduce the cost but take a slow to process the paddy into rice. Among the several rules that have to go through before the rice from the rice is:
Rice which was harvested by using energy will dibanting to separate the stalks and rice. Then the separation process will be done by choosing the stalk or grass mixed with rice. This method is to facilitate the subsequent work performed. After the rice will be placed in bags to take home. At home the rice is dried in the sun. Rice should be hung to dry. Therefore, farmers need to make sure the weather is good. If raining or overcast, it is better if the rice is dried or left in bags only. In addition during drying work is done, the farmers can remove foreign objects in the heap of rice. This is to ensure quick rice dry and safe from foreign objects.
Punching is the most difficult task. Rice that has been pounded in a mortar will dry. There are two types of mortar mortar feet and hands. Modified form mortar feet to facilitate the farmers on foot to pound rice.Rice pestle mortar has a short leg and then connected with a large wooden cross. End of the rice pestle timber having a form that facilitates the violation of the violation feet trample. Farmers will trample wooden boards and rice pestle is lifted. When the leg is released, will fall rice pestle mortar and pestle mother. This step easier because not require a lot of energy. Mortar can be found in the village. However, the mortar is less popular. Mortar is the mortar in her hands most frequently used. Mortar consisting of children and mothers mortar made of wood. But the hand mortar with a heavy mortar and long-term child. The heavier the child the better punches mortar the mortar. Rice is a dry mortar pounded with both these. Collision will cause the contents out and form a rice paddy. Farmers will do the work until the completion of punch. Are reminded to be pounded rice to dry. If there is moisture, the rice will be destroyed with rice husk and can not be eaten.
Rice which was harvested by using energy will dibanting to separate the stalks and rice. Then the separation process will be done by choosing the stalk or grass mixed with rice. This method is to facilitate the subsequent work performed. After the rice will be placed in bags to take home. At home the rice is dried in the sun. Rice should be hung to dry. Therefore, farmers need to make sure the weather is good. If raining or overcast, it is better if the rice is dried or left in bags only. In addition during drying work is done, the farmers can remove foreign objects in the heap of rice. This is to ensure quick rice dry and safe from foreign objects.
Punching is the most difficult task. Rice that has been pounded in a mortar will dry. There are two types of mortar mortar feet and hands. Modified form mortar feet to facilitate the farmers on foot to pound rice.Rice pestle mortar has a short leg and then connected with a large wooden cross. End of the rice pestle timber having a form that facilitates the violation of the violation feet trample. Farmers will trample wooden boards and rice pestle is lifted. When the leg is released, will fall rice pestle mortar and pestle mother. This step easier because not require a lot of energy. Mortar can be found in the village. However, the mortar is less popular. Mortar is the mortar in her hands most frequently used. Mortar consisting of children and mothers mortar made of wood. But the hand mortar with a heavy mortar and long-term child. The heavier the child the better punches mortar the mortar. Rice is a dry mortar pounded with both these. Collision will cause the contents out and form a rice paddy. Farmers will do the work until the completion of punch. Are reminded to be pounded rice to dry. If there is moisture, the rice will be destroyed with rice husk and can not be eaten.
After punching the work done, the next process is to winnow. This process requires skill to avoid the rice winnow wasted during the process done. Usually done by women screen. The pounded rice will be incorporated into the device screen. Screen device made of woven bamboo or pine. Screen devices consist of various forms of either round, triangular or oval.
The rice will be placed on the winnow. Then it will winnow winnowed by tossing rice. How this is done frequently until husk fly over and then out of the tool winnow rice itu.Pada this process can be produced even if there is a small dusts are mixed with rice. With a few flips, smaller particles will accumulate at the end of winnow. Then the dust can be blown only to get rid of the rice.
Rice that has been winnowed to undergo the selection process. Rice is not destroyed will cut off from the broken rice. This selection is done by hand. Therefore they must be efficient to choose a rice paddy that have not. Separation was carried out to determine the grade. Not broken rice have better quality than rice were destroyed. But there are farmers who do not separate the rice and mix once. This is called paddy rice village.
After punching the work done, the next process is to winnow. This process requires skill to avoid the rice winnow wasted during the process done. Usually done by women screen. The pounded rice will be incorporated into the device screen. Screen device made of woven bamboo or pine. Screen devices consist of various forms of either round, triangular or oval.
The rice will be placed on the winnow. Then it will winnow winnowed by tossing rice. How this is done frequently until husk fly over and then out of the tool winnow rice itu.Pada this process can be produced even if there is a small dusts are mixed with rice. With a few flips, smaller particles will accumulate at the end of winnow. Then the dust can be blown only to get rid of the rice.
Rice that has been winnowed to undergo the selection process. Rice is not destroyed will cut off from the broken rice. This selection is done by hand. Therefore they must be efficient to choose a rice paddy that have not. Separation was carried out to determine the grade. Not broken rice have better quality than rice were destroyed. But there are farmers who do not separate the rice and mix once. This is called paddy rice village.
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